2022-12-30 20:10:24

Pismo djedu Božićnjaku

U sklopu projekta GCPS, a vezano za zadatak koji je odrađen u prosincu, pismo djedu Božićnjaku, koji je napisala profesorica engleskog i njemačkog jezika, Katarina Ćorković Matančić, privukao je veliku pozornost učitelja u grupi.

Stoga vam pismo u cijelosti prenosimo i ovdje.

Dear Santa,

my friend Joanna Zielinska and I have been very good this year.

We have been working so hard to complete our tasks.

We are proud of our students. Yes, we are teachers.

Just take a look at these wonderful Xcards – from Poland to Croatia!

Joanna's creative students sent us their handmade Xcards.

Can you imagine the joy we felt when we first saw them?

It was like an instant feeling of the cinnamon scent in the air and the spirit of Christmas among all of us.

You see, we did exchange our Xcards and now we are just about to finish our New Year's Resolutions task.

Our students are writing about everything they would like to achieve in the upcoming year and they are making wishes…

And I wish you read them all and make them come true!


Sincerely yours,


Osnovna škola Jagode Truhelke Osijek